Deep Center

“Seeds of Hope: A Change Makers Unconference”

To register as an attendee, Click here.

Please register by Friday October 20th 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST

See the agenda for Seeds of Hope: A Change Makers Unconference HERE


Why an “UNconference”

An “unconference” is a participant-driven conference model. Unconferences, in collaboration with Georgia Southern University’s College of Education, prioritize participant voices (in this case local educators) as leaders and decision-makers, in contrast to traditional conferences that often feature researchers, academics, or experts that are unfamiliar with the specific challenges and strengths of a local context. 

In addition, the spirit of an Unconference reflects our Deep Center approach to learning and community.  Our Unconference will feature opportunities for participants to be playful, creative, and reflective, and serve as a platform to elevate participants’ visions for  how teaching and learning could look like in Savannah-Chatham County and the surrounding areas. 

Healing Schools staff working with SCCPSS educators

What is it?

Deep Center’s alongside the Georgia Southern University’s College of Education, Seeds of Hope: A Change Makers Unconference, is a free, unique professional education experience, open to anyone who works in the field of PK-12  education  within the greater Savannah Metropolitan Area. 

This unconference will be a forum for educators to learn, network, and share their hopes and concerns for their schools and communities.


The main goal of the 2023 Seeds of Hope: A Change Makers Unconference is to

provide participants with concrete examples of manageable but meaningful changes they can make in their context that will contribute to creating the types of teaching and learning environments they would like to see.  In other words: what can you do –  without burning out – to address an issue that is important to you?

Most of the unconference sessions will feature local educators who will share specific projects they tried out in their context and reflect on how it went, including lessons they learned and advice they would have for other educators.  Other  sessions will feature the voices and experiences of local educators and young people reflecting on their experiences with different dimensions of school.

Conference Agenda

Check here for the agenda at a glance

Session topics to include: Student-centered Learning, Family & Community partner engagement,  Trauma-informed tools for Educator and Student Resilience, Engaging students from diverse backgrounds and with diverse sets of interests, and much more

Where and When

November 4th, 2023 at University Hall on the Georgia Southern Armstrong Campus, 11935 Abercorn St. Savannah, GA 31419

Are you a good fit?  

While our primarily intended audience are folks who work within PK-12 schools, if you work with young people in any capacity, meet the criteria below, and are interested in participating in this conference, we’d love to have you! 

We are searching for participants from various educational contexts who:

If this is you, register to attend!

We know that you are probably wary of anything that has the word ‘conference’ in the title.  We are doing this because we want to find ways to support and enrich educators – not to be ‘just another thing’ you have to do.   

Questions? Email or for more information.